Thursday, July 2, 2009

Aquaman in Vector

Gee Whiz!!! This thing took me forever. I thought I'd post it early this morning, but I just kept fiddling with stuff. And the fiddling was interrupted, and the interruptions were interrupted, and the fiddling became frustration, etc. etc. etc. You know the story.
At any rate, I still haven't been able to decide which one I like better: the one with thick outlines or the one with a consistent line weight. Please feel free to offer your opinion... just be sure to decide what you think before you look at the opinion of anyone else. Thanks for taking the time.


  1. I like #1 better... although the difference is prettty subtle.

  2. I like the thicker line image more, but I feel i must say something about the time it took you to finish this. Not that it took as much time as it did, but more on the fact that you spent that much time and energy on the Justice League's towel boy. Seriously, Aquaman.

  3. yeah, what did it take, something like 8 1/2 months to finish this thing. I think I saw this sitting on your dining room table back at christmas. Get off your butt and work a little:)

    I like the consistant line, but thats me. I think the issue is the pop of ironman from the background. He's a little faint. Perhaps the color saturation being beefed up just a bit, or maybe a color change in either the orange and green or the blue. His legs get lost more than anything. The thicker line is what makes him pop in the first pic, but I think the problem could be resolved with color choice.

  4. I think you're right J. But I really dig those colors.... but I dig the consistent line too. I think for this image, the thicker line works. But for future images, I'll be trying to make better color choices. Thanks for taking the time man.

  5. Aquaman is actually fun to draw Mikey! I hate to admit it.. but he's actually a lot of fun to draw.

  6. Dude, I'm the king of loving orange and blue together. I think I made my instructors sick with that color scheme in School, probably you too, not saying change, just saying one or or the other needs adjusting. He's getting sucked back into the blue. Maybe make the band that is behind him thinner so more white is present. He'll pop better from that. Or don't center it. Try both and see. The colors may be fine.

  7. You need some contrast to make him come forward.
